Welding workshop



Oss-nor welding department is certified by KIWA Teknologisk Institutt sertifisering in accordance to ISO 3834-2 Welding Quality Assurance. ABS in accordance to ABS Rules for Materials and Welding Part 2 and the ABS Guide for the Classification of Drilling Systems, as well as RINA.

We offer a variety of Welding Procedure Qualification Records, WPQR and we hold a significant portfolio of approved Welding Procedure Qualifications, WPQ, performed with documented success.



•Welding of male and female connectors for Riser main tubes and auxiliary line piping.

•Welding of tubinE/ conductors / casing / x-overs

•Cladding with Tig-hotwire and Tig-coldwire

•Tip-TigWelding Station

•Cladding Inconel 62

•Hardbandingof drillpipeand various types of collar

•Pre-and Post-Weld Heat Treatment(PWHT)